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Thread: Championship Warfare Winners Announcement

  1. #51
    Judgment Revan's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by BestGameFaqs View Post
    The matching system is seriously off and not only by "title". I was put against some poor guy that had 3 mill power and I am at 64 million power. If they only restrict by title then you will still have some run into the same problem because it is possible to have 2 generals and one with 30 mill more power. Many other metrics need to be configured in with the matching system.

    Personally I just go for the tickets myself also
    So far as I can tell there is no "fair" standard by which to segregate players in Championship Warfare.

  2. #52
    A common misconception is Ucool owns Tynon. Wrong. It is Yuecool that owns Tynon
    Blood and gore
    on the floor
    and me without my spoon

  3. #53
    Then why does the copyright say Ucool?

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevaeh_3778816 View Post
    Then why does the copyright say Ucool?
    It's a joke only server 5 players understand

  5. #55
    Uuh.. not very funny if you ask me..

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevaeh_3778816 View Post
    Uuh.. not very funny if you ask me..
    At no stage did i nor anyone else ask you.
    Blood and gore
    on the floor
    and me without my spoon

  7. #57
    hi thei r again oddysses guild needs more players forest realm server 18and 23 forest realm level six guild we need active players

  8. #58
    tynon server 23 need fighters fire lords guild we have all cities

  9. #59
    This is a washed up game. Hit up my minecraft server for a good time minecrack69boys

  10. #60
    Join Date
    May 2018
    how do I kill horseman captain?

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