Anyone else notice how screwed up your game friends list is? Mine has many of my guildies showing as being in other realms and guilds. Many in realms and guilds they have never been in. On this server or any other. Kinda funny, but also kinda confusing when you go to send mail to a guild member that has had a few days inactive and it shows them in another realm and guild there. And they are not answering mail or in guild chat. Hoping one member is just inactive due to being a trucker and on the road, but no way to know for sure until she answers mail or shows up in chat. Not sure if the game friends list is supposed to be this way to prevent people from friending folks just to stalk them, but did send a ticket in with a screenshot. Expecting the usual form auto reply from Stanley.

Hoping Dawnseeker or another mod can clarify this situation for us.