Hey everyone! I found this website really useful in figuring out if any site I am trying to access is having server issues. You can even check if the original Evony site is up or not (which is how I found this and started using it).

Here's the link:


Very silly sounding site, but it's been spot on 100% so far. If it says the site is up, it's usually my wireless adapter that's gone astray...

When I have trouble logging on and this website says it's actually up, I do a diagnostic on the wireless adapter on the laptop and that and a refresh or closing out and starting the browser again does the trick.

The instructions on how to use the site are very simple - just type the web address of the site you want to check on into the shaded text area on the screen and click the blue "or just me" and you'll get an answer in a few seconds.

There are other sites that do this, but this one is really simple and so far has been hitting better than the undead trying to hit my Blademaster!

See you in the sky!

VatoLoco here - Blademaster Lvl 43 now... the learning curve is tough - NEVER the check box to "not see this message again"... You'll be sorry!

Moctezuma69 on Evony SS47 --- Last remaining officer of the Eternity alliance (later became Eternity_185 with the changes) Avanya we missed ya!