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Thread: Pirates... Not Suitable for New Players

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Pirates... Not Suitable for New Players

    I have no idea what the Pirates minigame is about. I'm an L35 with 98k Power... and I have no chance of completing a quest.
    I have a really hard time catching my guild members online, first of all, and I also have a lot of difficulty obtaining a map piece in the first place.... then I get one, I go into the minigame and get jumped by on of King Kong's children, and my map piece is gone.

    Can we do something about this, please? There is no reason why someone ten levels above me with more than 2x my power should even be in the same area.
    If we were at least close in points values or level, I wouldn't mind, because it would be up to chance (dodge) and formations.

    This is not a whine or a rant, just a suggestion. Here are my ideas of how to make it more playable:

    1. You should not HAVE to have two players to set sail.
    2. You should be able to attack anyone until AFTER they have set sail (you know, like REAL pirates?)... It's a lot like jogging through Compton with an "I'm Rich!" sign over your head, right now...
    3. Levels of players who can attack you should be within a fairly small margin. I'm thinking + or - 5
    4. BEGINNERS should be able to play ALL minigames, too.
    5. Number of times you can set sail should just be 3, period.

    Last idea, about maps.

    You should have a weak chance of getting some loot WITHOUT a map.... say 10% or worse.
    With one map piece, your odds should go up to 25%
    With two pieces, you should always get the loot.

    What say you?

  2. #2
    With your idea, a level 70 player has around 10 other people to get a sail from.

    If none of those show up, he'd be stuck with only 1 sail each day.

    Thus you penalize people for being good players and levelling up.

    Not a good idea.

  3. #3
    i didsagree iwth any change to pirates it works fine the way it is, oyu just eed strategy to get across. Some days i never get across some days 3 times, some days once. Its all in strategy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Herby, you have a point, but the way it currently is, a decent mid-level player has no chance at all, which penalizes the vast majority. I'm just trying to figure out a method of modification that helps ALL players, instead of letting that one L70 player beat the crap out of ppl 40 levels below them, all of the time. That's called bullying, and it's just boring. Makes the Pirates game unplayable until you become a god, and it's not even a main feature... That's kind of difficult for me to wrap my head around.

    It's cool that you disagree, but perhaps you can think a suggestion through to help un-screw my idea? Instead of just saying no?

  5. #5
    No one from our guild is sailing.. it is only giving to the higher lvl“s and getting nothing ourself.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Toth View Post
    I have no idea what the Pirates minigame is about. I'm an L35 with 98k Power... and I have no chance of completing a quest.
    I have a really hard time catching my guild members online, first of all, and I also have a lot of difficulty obtaining a map piece in the first place.... then I get one, I go into the minigame and get jumped by on of King Kong's children, and my map piece is gone.

    Can we do something about this, please? There is no reason why someone ten levels above me with more than 2x my power should even be in the same area.
    If we were at least close in points values or level, I wouldn't mind, because it would be up to chance (dodge) and formations.

    This is not a whine or a rant, just a suggestion. Here are my ideas of how to make it more playable:

    1. You should not HAVE to have two players to set sail.
    2. You should be able to attack anyone until AFTER they have set sail (you know, like REAL pirates?)... It's a lot like jogging through Compton with an "I'm Rich!" sign over your head, right now...
    3. Levels of players who can attack you should be within a fairly small margin. I'm thinking + or - 5
    4. BEGINNERS should be able to play ALL minigames, too.
    5. Number of times you can set sail should just be 3, period.

    Last idea, about maps.

    You should have a weak chance of getting some loot WITHOUT a map.... say 10% or worse.
    With one map piece, your odds should go up to 25%
    With two pieces, you should always get the loot.

    What say you?
    1. Two players to sail is actually how this event works, this game have pretty small ammount of things to do together. Also, you can use strong players from your guild to safely sail.

    3. This will make area spammed with low lvl players who leave their ships and left game, so ships staying here forever and cant be killed cus of lvl restrictions which you want to bring. Your suggestion is invalid - there gonna be one of two situations: if there will be 5 lvl restriction - high lvl players will have no opponents to attack: OR - lets say right now 30, 35, 40, 45 and 60 lvl players came to get a sail, currently 60 lvl player can straight kill 30 lvl and finish his sail already, but if there will be restricions - first 35 lvl will kill 30, but he will be immidiatly killed by 40, 40 will be killed by 45 and so on, so 60 lvl player will still get that sail, others will get nothing, its much worse then 60 lvl will just kick 30 and allow others to set sail as well. You see?

    What can i say about maps... this is korean game, and your feedback will take more then 6 month before it will appear in game as solid content, i think you will leave before that time will came, so dont bother suggesting.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    So... I'm a level 40, with decent power - around 150k, and I STILL have never seen the other side of the ocean

    Strategy only works when the fight is close to fair. EVERY TIME I try to go sailing with anyone from my guild (I'm the 2nd strongest), one or both of us gets jacked by someone with well over 300k power. I now refuse to even be bothered with Pirates, until my power is so high as to render the game boring. And by then, as you have said, many players will have left, and I will most likely have no one to go sailing with.

    It is broken. Just because 5% of the players can make it across and don't want it changed, doesn't mean that it should not be changed.

    And, LotusBlade, your point is flawed and very inaccurate, as it depends on significant and unlikely factors occurring simultaneously: If L30 gets jacked by a 35, there would then have to be an L40 actively waiting to steal (instead of raiding the Labyrinth, Tavern, Realm, Quest, Arena, etc. Further, it would then require an L45, doing the same thing. Then and L50, L55, L60 and so on. All at the same time. The odds of this are crazy slim. And at least, the L30 would only have to fight someone who is close to their own power - leaving a chance for STRATEGY and FORMATION to mean something.

    Pirates is currently like diving into shark infested water, smeared with Spam and fish guts. Dead upon arrival. And no amount of strategy can overbalance a 200k power deficit. It sucks. It's not fun. Please do SOMETHING. All you naysayers have spoken your nays, but you have not offered an alternative that would allow lower level players to enjoy the whole game. It is sad to think that no one sees the ugly imbalance as a problem.

    You may disagree with me, but you can't deny the imbalance exists. Please offer criticism WITH ideas to remedy an obvious gameplay flaw, rather than simply disagreeing because you prefer the status quo.

    Last edited by Toth; 07-25-2013 at 02:51 AM. Reason: Typos, afterthoughts

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