Dear Crew of Tynon,

In the past 7 days 19 (or more) new servers were opened. Obviously new servers are more important than fixing bugs.

Though, new servers are mostly occupied by players from older servers. If they don't manage to get into the top in short time and stay there, they abandon there account and go to another server. You can shout that servers are full, but kick all ghost accounts and there will be more than enough space again for new players.
Ofcourse, the more servers, the more money you hope to get. It can work on short time, not if you think on longer terms.

The long list of bugs, and it seems to get worse every day, are discouraging.

I might be completely wrong, thinking you don't do anything to fix all the bugs, but as players we don't see anything changing in a positive direction.
Therefor it might be handy to have an open (better) communication about what's happening behind the scenes. A timetable with all known bugs and deadlines to fix them so we know what we can expect, might help to reduce our frustrations.

Oh, and if you might think this comes from a non-paying player so not important: I only consider to pay for something when it works like it should be