Keep getting speakers from the Arena. Overflowing abundance. I abandon speakers, or use them randomly, when I get above 20. How many speakers do you tend to carry?
None - Zero
51+ = Can't Get Enough Speakers!!!
Keep getting speakers from the Arena. Overflowing abundance. I abandon speakers, or use them randomly, when I get above 20. How many speakers do you tend to carry?
I carry about 5 to 20, but need them at times.
They get used for information sharing and also for fun.
I have no problem with the drop rate personally, but I do have a problem with how to get rid of the extras.
At times abandon does not work and I wish this could be fixed.
~ You are just jealous 'cause the voices only talk to me..~
~ There is a crack in everything, that is where the light comes in~
I carry 0 speakers
The opinions expressed on this post are my own as a player, not as a Moderator.