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Thread: game competition suggestion

  1. #1

    game competition suggestion

    I have noted that this game has alot of checks and balances to help maintain a competitiveness that i really enjoy. There is one aspect that seem lacking severely and suggest a way to fix it. Currently a single guild can eventually own all cities as occurs on light realm and due the the massive rewards generated it makes it nearly impossible to keep up or to compete. so I suggest capping the number of cities any one guild can hold at 5 with no more than 2 of any one type if divided into 3 type categories. (reputation, money, and specialty cities) so that in the early days of a server if they are not yet guild level 4 they could hold no more than 2 reputation cities, then no more than 2 money cities and after guild lvl 6 no more than 2 specialty cities but would have to decide which city to put back to npc-controlled or willingly allow another guild to take a city if they wanted to take a 2 specialty cities. This way there would always be the ability of a second or third guild to create competition and they would not be able to attract all of the spenders to one guild and thereby forces a balance in the realm or server depending on how it is arranged on a given server. I have noted that server 2 has a set of cities for each realm while that is NOT the case on all other servers. this could be implemented for all servers and would minimize the need to constantly put in new servers except for new players not the same players trying to make a go of it on a new server. This would maximize the number of moderate spenders that stay with the game and make it so that those who cant afford to spend but enjoy the game don't give up so soon. More likely it will draw more and newer players. I know some people who maintain multiple accounts and already have massive rewards would balk at this because they would not be able to hog it all.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Andy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    This and other ideas to make GW more competitive has been discussed at length on other treads. Here are a few

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